Liturgical Ministries
We need you! If you are desiring to assist at Mass in any way, please call the office at 701-483-2134. We would love to assist you!
If you are needing assistance with Ministry Scheduler Pro, please call the office.
"Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that fully conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people as "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a redeemed people (1 Pet. 2:9; cf. 2:4-5), is their right and duty by reason of their baptism."
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 14
Altar Servers
This ministry provides parish members with a genuine opportunity to function as lay ministers by reverently assisting the celebrant during Sunday Mass and special liturgies throughout the year. Parishioners must be in at least second grade, received their first Eucharist, and trained before serving at Mass.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion are laypersons who serve by assisting the priest in distributing the Eucharist at Mass. It is a privilege and sacred task to become a Eucharistic Minister and a blessing to those called. Parishioners must be confirmed and trained, and approved by the Bishop before assisting with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist.
Lectors have an opportunity to read and proclaim the Word of God, which is a gift. This commitment allows the parishioner to be the "voice" of God's Word and share them with the community. Parishioners must be confirmed, trained, and approved by the Bishop before serving in this ministry.
The Ministry of Music is an important aid to all liturgies. Persons in this ministry provide music for weekend Masses, holy days, weddings, and funerals.
St Augustine says, "To sing is to pray twice." Musical talents are a gift from God and meant to be shared with others when called by God.
Sacristans have a unique role. Under the direction of the pastor, they assist him by arranging the sacred vessels, liturgical books, vestments, and other materials needed for the celebration of the Mass. They arrive at the parish early to light the candles, fill the holy water fonts, and tidy the sanctuary before Mass begins.
Ushers are entrusted with promoting a sense of community and belonging to the faithful who visit the parish as well as maintain order and security of the parish, before, during, and after Mass. Other tasks include assisting visitors to their seats, collecting the offering, and tidying up the pews in the nave.
Rosary Leaders
The Rosary Team leads the Rosary 20 minutes before Mass begins during the week and about 35 minutes before Mass begins on the weekends. This ministry is necessary in leading the parish to offer our intentions to Mary, Queen of Peace.
Greeters are the welcoming face of new and long-time parishioners and guests. Greeters come to Mass 20 minutes early to welcome those who come through the front doors and offer a smiling face to our guests.
This committee assists in implementing the liturgical environment in the parish during each liturgical season. They make the parish more inviting and welcoming by enhancing the beauty of the parish with decorations during the liturgical year, especially at Christmas and Easter.
Funeral Hospitality
Funeral Hospitality volunteers serve the grieving families of our parish. By preparing and serving a meal for family members and friends to enjoy as they celebrate the life and pray for the soul of their dearly departed loved one, those in this ministry participate in the Spiritual Works of Mercy.